Ph: 323-645-4430           Fax: 323-375-0371 Email: [email protected]


  • Grigory is extremely knowledgeable, professional and very helpful! He was able to find a loan for us to refinance our home when our conventional lender could not. He took the time to listen our needs, found us a lender and fashioned the loan based on our strengths.

    The loan Grigory set us up with saved us 2% over our current one and we were able to pay a large amount of high interest debt!  Grigory made a very positive financial difference in our life. We truly appreciate and highly recommend him!

    Mark and Andrea W.


  • I would like to take this opportunity to thank Grigory for all that he did for us. Dear Grigory, Thank you for being YOU!!! Please, accept my thanks for all your hard work for so many years and special thanks for your work with our mortgage loan.

    Your attention to details was very-very helpful and on time. Because of you, your help, your support, your education, your experience we have our loan in the best condition!!!! You really did A GREAT JOB!!!! I appreciate the extra time and effort you put in our project! Thank you for the fantastic job you have been doing for us! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!

    Liliya F.


Real Estate Financing

Why and how we are different from any other Real Estate Mortgage Company?  

Why should you trust us?

It may not be obvious, but Income Tax Preparation and Real Estate Financing actually go hand-in-hand… that’s been very clear to us, year-after-year, preparing client Income Tax returns.

Once we have a detailed financial overview of our client (and their life story), we’re much better able, over time, to make the most beneficial “next step” recommendations for their unique situation.

Some of those recommendations may include advice regarding the possible purchase, sale, or refinancing of real estate… and the best timing involved.

Key Point: Frequently, the timing is as important, if not more so, than the underlying transaction itself.

Many times we’ve advised clients to hold-off either their purchase or sale of a property. Why would do that?  (After all, telling our clients to “go-ahead” would bring us more advisory business and a potential commissions, as well.)

Here’s an actual client example:

Recently, we had a couple who wanted to buy a new house and utilize our services in obtaining a purchase loan to fund the transaction. We’d already been preparing their income tax returns for several years. As a result of our understanding their overall financial picture, we didn’t think this purchase was a wise decision.

The real estate agent involved was pushing them to buy, so we were invited to see the house for ourselves.

We agreed; it was a beautiful property in a gorgeous area and the price was terrific. It was a magnificent deal… just not for them!

We knew their life story, and regardless of how beautiful the property and seductive the “deal”, it simply was not the right time nor place for them.

After our tour, we had a heart-to-heart talk with our clients. While we respected the fact that the final decision was theirs and theirs alone, we didn’t hold anything back. We gave them our honest opinion… and why our advice was to say “no” to the deal.

In few days, our clients choose to walk away from the purchase.

They had listened to our recommendation and did not buy the house. Within a few short months, they ended-up relocating to another state, so our “no” advice was both timely and the right decision for their situation.

We’re still on friendly terms and in communication with them. Had they closed on that “wonderful deal”, they would have had a devastating issue for many years to come.

In advising them to walk-away from that home purchase transaction, we denied ourselves a guaranteed $5K to $7K loan origination commission on a relatively easy, “in-the-bag” deal.

Why would we do that? Crazy right? Who in their right mind would walk away from a quick and substantial commission?


A Reality Check:

Why would we go against our own making money?


The answer is simple: we’d rather lose our potential income, than EVER put the financial stability of our clients at risk. 

Yes, of course, we like to make money, however, we will never jeopardize your well-being when rendering our services.

This was NOT a difficult choice; it’s how we conduct our work, our business, and our life. 

With us, ethics and honesty will ALWAYS take precedence over any fees and commissions involved in our business dealings. You may call it silly, naive, or old-fashioned; the label doesn’t matter!

We know our clients; that’s why we are different.

With this deeper knowledge, we see your situation from a different perspective. This enables us to offer you realistic advice and solutions with excellent outcomes, where other companies, time and again, fail.

We offer and provide these Real Estate Financing Services:

   – Mortgages for Real Estate Purchases
   – Refinance Mortgages for existing properties
   – Financial Analysis for Purchase Advisability 
   – Financial Analysis of Buying vs. Renting 
   – Detailed Analysis of Client Purchase Power   

Contact us if you have any question.
We Work – You Rest. Not a Problem for U!